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Chapter 2: Solutions to our homelessness crisis

Affordable housing

More than 721,000 L.A. households are severely rent burdened, meaning they spend over half of their income on rent. The majority of people experiencing homelessness across L.A. County report falling into homelessness because they simply cannot afford a place to live. The solution is affordable housing.

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Affordable housing units rent for less than the market rate and are reserved for people who earn less than average income. Affordable housing is essential because most people experiencing homelessness simply can’t find a home they can afford.

600,000 people in L.A. County spend 90% of their income towards rent. The result is hundreds of thousands of people living one missed paycheck or emergency away from being displaced from their homes. We see this playing out on our streets.

According to the 2019 L.A. County Homeless Count, 53% of people experiencing homelessness for the first time said it was because they lost their job or experienced another financial hardship. In order to meet the need of low-income renters, we need more affordable units.

Next Chapter:

How to talk about ending homelessness

Learning how to talk to people about ending homelessness is one of the most important skills you need as an advocate. This includes knowing what to say, how to say it, and when to say it, as well as adapting your message to any situation or audience. Conversations that build trust and personal relationships are at the heart of effective organizing.

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